Yearly Archives: 2016
Moore Calls on Sen. Johnson to Help Citizens of Flint
In response to threats by Senate Republicans to block emergency relief for the citizens of Flint, Michigan, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) released the following statement
Sensenbrenner Supports the City of Waukesha’s Request for Access to Lake Michigan Water
Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner released the following statement in support of the efforts of the City of Waukesha to borrow water from Lake Michigan. Congressman Sensenbrenner: “The City of Waukesha has gone through extensive public and environmental processes, and meets the requirements necessary under the Great Lakes Compact to borrow Lake Michigan water.
Representatives Stuck and Brostoff Introduce Legislation to Prevent Privatization of Wisconsin’s Water Utilities
Rep. Stuck (D - Appleton) and Rep. Brostoff (D-Milwaukee) introduced legislation which would prohibit the privatization of Wisconsin’s water and sewer utilities.
Public to review remaining issues for Willow Flowage Scenic Waters master plan
The public will have an opportunity at an upcoming public open house to comment on four remaining issues regarding management of the Willow Flowage Scenic Waters Area that have emerged during previous phases of updating the master plan for the property
Comments regarding proposed Master Plan Variance for snowmobile trail relocation within Turtle Flambeau Scenic...
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is currently seeking comments regarding a proposed Master Plan Variance to relocate approximately 1,550 feet of Snowmobile Trail 10 from private property onto state owned property within the Turtle Flambeau Scenic Waters Area.
Rep. Rohrkaste Applauds JFC Approval of Highway Funding
Representative Mike Rohrkaste (R-Neenah) supports the Joint Committee on Finance’s (JFC) decision to release $350 million in contingency bonding to decrease delays to road projects throughout the state, including the Highway 10/441 project in the Fox Cities